ABOUTOur Mission. Through our effective, powerful counseling, training and coaching techniques, we help build stable, healthy families that contribute in positive ways to their communities.
The Patrick Group is a team of committed therapists, social workers, and skill practitioners dedicated to breaking the cycle of unhealthy behaviors and addictions. Many of our clients are stuck in intergenerational patterns of harmful conduct resulting in contact with both the child welfare and the criminal justice systems.
The Patrick Group founder, Esther Patrick, has more than twenty years of experience as a behaviorist providing counseling and coaching services that empower youth and families to reach their highest potential. Ms. Patrick, together with her team, uses evidence-based, scientific approaches to develop realistic, attainable goals for each and every client and their families, to ensure successful outcomes wherever possible.
The Patrick Group is well-regarded in the legal community. In order to receive assignments, all parties must agree, including the CASA workers, Guardian Ad Litems, parents, defense attorneys, the DCWF social workers, and assistant attorney generals. The Patrick Group is also well-regarded by the judiciary and found to be highly credible.
In addition, The Patrick Group provide services for guardianships, and pre- and post-adoptions.
Our team is credentialed in the following skills and programs.
The Patrick Group is dedicated, through its support and guidance for parents and caregivers, to stopping the vicious cycle of generational involvement with the child welfare and criminal justice systems. Keeping youth and families out of "The System" produces a wealth of benefits, including well-adjusted children, happier families, safer communities, and significant savings to the taxpayers.
Esther Patrick founded Patrick and Associates in 2003 and rebranded as The Patrick Group in 2017, to provide counseling, coaching, and consulting services for families and children.
Contact us today for more information and to get started.